“More Than a Lawyer”
In 2011, when we started doing personal development and coaching courses for lawyers, we were still practicing law.
We were between the two worlds.
The world of business and achievement of success development, and the world of self-discovery.
It was about that inner need to put an end to stress and being overwhelmed.
Have you ever heard an inner voice that keeps you back as a manifestation of your uniqueness?
The business world is interesting, many challenges, new people, new cases.
It makes you feel powerful and always ready to find a solution for others.
In that world, you feel successful and important.
My sister and I had our law firm and international clients.
We were very busy and always had something to solve for our clients.
Life as a lawyer has taken us away from our souls.
Our ego was nourished by everything that happens, but not our souls.
So, one day we gave voice to our inner calling, which called us to a new mission.
The mission to help lawyers, and help ourselves, too.
It was our salvation. Why?
Today we hold in our hands a book that weaves our experience as lawyers, but also as businesswomen who managed a law firm with over 15 lawyers that served thousands of clients.
This book( here the link) is a guide that helps any lawyer stop making the mistakes we made, and when I say that I mean that recipe that steals from you and your personal life.
In this book we’ve shared our new successful way of practicing law.
It helps you use your own uniqueness to succeed in this profession, but also in your personal life.
It is a tool that gives you the courage to use what you already have as a unique resource, as a human being on this earth.
You are unique and your profession is not something separate from you.
Your clients are not your clients by chance.
You attract what is inside you.
We have chosen to write this book to share with our colleagues how important it is to assume your uniqueness and not to be influenced by others, because no one is like you!
You will learn how to live and practice authentically, how to give yourself value, how to increase your self-esteem and how to communicate authentically in order to attract the ideal clients for you.
Can we have the courage to be authentic in client-attorney relationships?
Do we have the courage to be authentic when we say yes or no?
Are lawyers ready to practice this profession from a different perspective?
What’s the difference between practicing law in a corporation or solo practice?
Are you meant to be that lawyer ready to practice authentically?
Perhaps you don t know what is the best choice for you.
In our coaching programs, we helped lawyers to find this clarity.
There are always infinite ways to make a decision, but each person has their own process and timing.
This book will give you tools to clarify your message – a confused mind never wins.
Everything comes with concrete steps that you can follow immediately, and with personal development tools that you can apply right from the first chapter.
I wish you success at the beginning of your career.
I wish you success if you want to change something in your life, I wish you success in having the courage to show your uniqueness and to love the fact that you are more than a lawyer. After reading the book this new mindset will help you know exactly what you want in your professional and personal life. We wrote a lot in the book about the unique lawyer system.
This is an online course that helps you to go to another level and implement all the information from this book. Our intention is to help you elawvate yourself and your practice!
Just because in a lawyer’s life challenges exist doesn’t mean there’s nothing lawyers can do to eLAWvate themselves and their practice.
DISCOVER SOMETHING UNIQUE about yourself and the way you approach your practice and relationships.
I know that you’re going to get a lot of value out of this book!
There are a lot of lawyers just like you who feel that THEY CAN BE SUCCESSFUL, BUT THE DIFFERENCE IS THAT YOU ARE TAKING ACTION.
Remember, that you are more than a lawyer, you are a unique lawyer! A UNIQUE LAWYER, KNOWS THAT INVESTING IN MORE SKILLS IS THE WAY TO MAKE IT REMARKABLE.